Makes: 6 servings

More than 45 minutes

- 200g (7 oz) of Organic couscous
- 1 butternut squash cut into 2, in the sense of the length and hollowed out
- 1 red pepper cut in from
- 2 small green salad peppers cut in from
- 2 tomatoes, seeded and cut in as soon as
- 1 big onion ready and built in from
- 2 cloves of garlic in a shirt
- Juice of 1 fresh lemon
- 5 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 bunch of parsley leaves chopped
- Salt, pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 180° C. Cover the baking tray of baking paper and ask the demi-courges. Streak them in diamonds. Add a drizzle of oil on each part of the squash, and drop a clove of garlic in each demi-courge.
2. Bake for 50 minutes (at the end of cooking, the squash must be cooked). Book by letting cool. In a bowl, pour the organic couscous. Cover it with boiling water. Leave it to rise for 5 minutes. Her reel off the with a fork.
3. Then, stir in tomatoes, peppers, squash cut into cubes, onion and parsley. Drizzle with lemon juice and oil. Season according to your convenience.
4. Mix gently, without crushing the squash puree. Store in the fridge for 1 hour, minimum. Serve chilled.
Recipe by Douceur & Gourmandise
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