Makes: 2 servings

15 to 30 minutes

- 125g (4,4 oz) of tagliatelle
- 15g (0,5 oz) of dried or in jar Morels
- 1 small shallot
- 10cl of cream or plant cream (from coconut)
- 1/2 vegetable broth
- Plant butter, salt, pepper

1. Prepare the morels (if they are dried, put in water a few hours and keep soaking juices) by rinsing them well under water. Cut largers in pieces.
2. In a skillet, heat a little butter then add the choped shallot.
Meanwhile, heat a water for pasta.
3. Add the morels in the skillet and cook several minutes. Then add the broth prepared in approximately 20 ml of boiling water. Let it evaporate almost entirely, and then pour the cream (if you used the dried Morels, incorporate here a little juice soaking, it brings great taste and a beautiful color). To simmer over medium heat. If too thickened, you can add a little cooking water of pasta (or soaking juices of dried Morels).
4. Season the sauce. Cook the pasta.
Drain the tagliatelle and immediately return them to the pan. Then pour morel sauce on the top, stir and serve immediately!
Recipe by Cuisine solo.
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